222: A New Season, A New Wineskin
Mark 2:22 NLT says, “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”
Seasons change, and so do we. Just as nature transitions from one season to the next, God moves us into new places, new opportunities, and new blessings. This is a time of renewal, a time to embrace the fresh outpouring He has for us.
New wine is coming. It is abundant, rich, and full of promise. But we must be ready to receive it. We are the new wineskins, prepared to hold the new thing God is doing. If we try to cling to the old ways, we may miss the fresh outpouring Jesus wants to bring.
Get ready. New doors will open. Change is happening, but it’s a good change. God is moving, and something incredible is on the horizon. Let’s embrace this season with faith, knowing He is leading us into something greater.
Step forward with expectation – your new season is here.