• spice coffee
    Food and Drinks

    Canadian Maple Spice Coffee

    Entering the fall season, it is time to cozy up for some special flavored hot drinks. Why spend extra money on seasonal flavored coffee when you can easily make your own with Milk + Honey steeped flavored coffee? Today, we will give you a simple recipe to make a great Thanksgiving drink with our Canadian Maple Coffee. Ingredients: 1 pouch M+H Canadian Maple steeped coffee 1/8 teaspoon allspice powder 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder 236ml (1 cup or 8oz) of hot water 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, or to taste 1 teaspoon half & half cream or milk to taste (option) Whipped cream to taste (option) Steps: Place the steeped Maple coffee...

  • customized gift coffee pak, expression coffee pak
    Did You Know?

    A Mother’s Christmas Gifts to Her Daughter’s Graduating Class

    Time goes by quickly, in the blink of an eye, my daughter is in grade 12! This will be her final year of high school, and the last Christmas she will be celebrating with her class. For the class Christmas party this year, I want to find a gift that is special and meaningful for each and everyone in the graduating class. We came across Milk+Honey Steeped Coffee, Expression Paks. Using the honeycomb stickers, my daughter applied a simple design for the occasion. In addition, each sticker has a unique blessing, signifying that each person in her class is a unique individual. The customized coffee packets will be placed in...