Canadian Maple Spice Coffee
Entering the fall season, it is time to cozy up for some special flavored hot drinks. Why spend extra money on seasonal flavored coffee when you can easily make your own with Milk + Honey steeped flavored coffee? Today, we will give you a simple recipe to make a great Thanksgiving drink with our Canadian Maple Coffee. Ingredients: 1 pouch M+H Canadian Maple steeped coffee 1/8 teaspoon allspice powder 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder 236ml (1 cup or 8oz) of hot water 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, or to taste 1 teaspoon half & half cream or milk to taste (option) Whipped cream to taste (option) Steps: Place the steeped Maple coffee…
Wedding Proposal with Coffee (Part III)
We have introduced two creative ways of proposing with our Expression Pak. Here is our final wedding proposal idea! Word Puzzle Think of one sentence and separate it over a few pouches. It can be a word on the pouch or just one letter on the pouch… she will need to lay them all out to see the whole message! It can be quite interesting and a challenge if you spread your message over a lot of pouches. We’d love to see you succeed and wouldn’t want your other half to be frustrated, so we kindly recommend to keep it simple with a little mystery! Have we inspired you? Don’t…
Wedding Proposal with Coffee (Part II)
In our last post, we introduced “Surprise is in the Box” using our Expression Pak to write a message and hide it in a box of 5 packs, asking your other half to search it out. This post, we want to share with you another inspiring way to propose! Love Story Although we communicate our emotions more often through technology like emails, texts, and various messengers- many people still enjoy reading a handwritten message, especially from their beloved ones. Write your love story or how much your love is for her on the back of our Expression Pak! You can use as many packs as needed to complete your thoughts.…
Travel and Camp with Steeped Coffee
Finally, we can travel and enjoy the amazing summer of Vancouver. As we travel across BC to camp or RV to admire her beauty, nothing beats starting the morning with a good cup of coffee. Leaving the coffee machines at home, the most convenient options are probably instant or pour-over coffees. Pour-over coffee tends to cool off very quickly in the brewing process and instant coffee doesn’t offer the same experience. There is now a new option for when you travel, STEEPED COFFEE. It’s light weight and compact packaging makes it ideal for traveling or camping. All you have to do is add hot water. It is as convenient as…
Steeped Coffee and the Various Brewing Methods
The taste of a cup of coffee can vary based on water, the roasting of the beans, and brewing methods. Every brewing method has different characteristics and produce different tasting coffee. Some have higher equipment and preparation requirements, others are more easily assessible. As steeped coffee is quite new to many coffee drinkers, we want to provide an overview to compare the different brewing methods. Portability / Convenience Equipment Cost Brewing Time Equipment Knowledge Final Brew Color Flavor Sediment Cold brew / Steeped Coffee Yes None Cold 24hrsHot 3-5mins Not required Light to medium Smooth some Pour over / Drip Coffee Yes $ 5mins** Not required Light to medium Smooth…
What is a Flavoured Coffee?
The flavor and aroma of coffee are developed during the roasting process. Did you know that additional flavouring can be added to enhance the tasting notes? This creates flavoured coffee. Flavored coffee is made by introducing a special technique during the roasting process. This technique slowly infuse flavored syrup to evenly coat each and every bean. Flavoured coffees are generally mediums roast coffees. This is to create a balanced body coffee that complements the added flavouring. The roasted beans are then set for a few days allowing the aroma to be fully absorbed into the beans before packaging. Over the years, the flavoring technique has drastically improved. As a…
We’ve all Steeped Tea, Why not Steeped Coffee?
Steeped tea has been deeply intertwined in our lives for hundreds of years. This was made possible with the invention of tea bags. The use of tea bags to conveniently brew hot cups of team have been widely accepted around the world. According to Wikipedia, the first modern tea bags were hand-sewn fabric bags and patented in 1903. This revolutionized the traditional way of using the loose tea to allow consumers to brew the tea on the go with the filter bags. The same concept is mostly seen in F&B for the coffee industry and is not widely applied to home or personal consumption. Why? Maybe people are just too…